Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Period Four--AWNM--Empathy



  1. @Allie You become empathetic over time through your experiences. If you have experienced the same thing as someone else has then you can empathize with them.

  2. @Abbie There definitely are advantages to having empathy in some workplaces. Pink made a great point when he showed that lawyers and doctors can be better when they are more empathetic because they can read the other people and empathize with their patients. I would definitely rather have an empathetic doctor.

  3. @Erik I only consider myself empathetic in certain situations. There are definitely times when I wonder why someone is feeling sad or mad. I don't think I would feel the same way, but if I actually went through it, maybe I'd feel the same as them. Contrarily, I have experienced a lot of physical injuries through athletics, so when athletes or anyone get hurt, I can almost feel in myself what they are going through and I feel terrible for them.

  4. @Sanat It is very hard to talk to people who cannot relate to you. When you spend a lot of time with people and go through the same things, you can feel the same emotions and help each other through it if it is sad or joke about it together if it is not.

  5. @Nick You can try to empathize with someone else better by really trying hard to look at the experience through their eyes instead of from your perspective. This would help you to feel more how they feel and understand why.

  6. @Esther You can't really teach empathy. You have to go through the same thing as each other. Take the shooting for example; everyone else tried to be as nice as possible and said they knew how we felt, but no one really did unless they went through it with us. You have to go through some of the same experiences to really understand each other.

  7. @Nick I think when it comes to pain, women can empathize better because they have to go through one of the most painful things - giving birth.

  8. Comment From Allie M
    Is empathy something you develop over time? Or are people born empathetic?
    I think that empathy is something we develop over time over time, and each person is different.

  9. Comment From Erik B
    Do you consider yourself an empathetic person? Why or why not? Are there some situations you are, and some you are not? If so what are they?
    Overall I think I am an empathetic person, but I think everyone has times were they aren't. I think I an empathetic because when I say something mean or do something I feel bad instantly after, and thin in reverse if someone had done it do me how I would feel.

  10. Comment From Sanat M
    Do you think it is true that people who are more emotional themselves are also empathetic to other people's emotions?
    I truly believe this is true. I feel like someone who is emotional themselves will relate and connect to others who are emotional way more than people who aren't empathetic.

  11. Sanat M: How often do you talk to someone who can't relate to you well? How does it make you feel?
    We often talk with other people who we might have just met or don't know very well, an when you try to connect with them, but you don't know anything about them, it feel awkward because there's really nothing in common.

  12. Jacob H.: What kind of personality such as a introvert or an extrovert has more empathy for others?
    I think both have the same amount of empathy for others, but I think that extroverts are more open about showing empathy toward others, and introvert just keep in, but still feel empathy toward others.

  13. Nick S: What techniques do you use to be empathetic to someone? How does this explain your personality?
    I think there aren't certain "techniques" someone has to do to be empathetic, I think it is just how people feel in certain situations or toward others. Not everyone shows empathy in the same way, but I do think this represents your personality.

  14. Abbie N: Are there negative things about empathy? If so, what are they?
    I think there are some downsides. When you are empathetic in certain situations it might affect your better judgment, and it might cause you to make decisions that help others and are bad for you personally so I think you have to find a good balance but that is easier said than done.
